Help Page

How do I download my purchase?

After completing a purchase, you will be given access to one download link or more, depending on how many videos you have purchased.

These download links will also be sent to your email. 

Please follow the following steps to access your purchased content:

  1. Click on the download link.
  2. Open file via notepad, Microsoft word, or any other program that can read .txt files.
  3. Follow the instructions in the document (copy full link, open in internet browser, copy and paste password into password field to access page)
  4. Click on the download button.
  5. Enjoy!

How do I play my Ultra HD Video?

We recommend using a good player such as Vlc Media Player. Once you have a good video player, simply find where you have downloaded the video, right click on it, select “open with”, and select your prefered video playing program!

How do I play 8k VR video on my headset?

Depending on the headset there are a few ways to go about it. The most popular headset on the market is the Oculus, so we will describe the installation procedure here:

  1. Make sure your oculus quest is up to date on its software updates and you have access to the online store.
  2. Connect your headset to your pc, and copy then paste whichever video you wish to watch on the headset into the Oculus storage (you may need to authorize usb to pc connection while wearing the headset).
  3. Find “DeoVR Video Player” in the quest store with your headset on and download the app. This is a fantastic and free VR video player.
  4. Open the app, then select your video from onboard storage. You may need to adjust the settings to stereoscopic 3D 180.
  5. Enjoy!